Stores: USA HK MX

Woodland Mod Patch for Strikeforce/Tactical Ten Vest (Chest) Clearance Item

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  • $1.95
  • Regular price $14.95

Convert your Strikeforce / Tactical Ten Vest (velcro, hook & loop) Clearance Item vests into MOLLY system.  This patch can go to the front breast \ chest pocket; replaces shotgun, map and name tag pouches.

Patch Size (Shoulder) Clearance Item:  2" x 3.5  (101 x 160 mm) Clearance Item
Patch Size (Breast / Chest Pocket) Clearance Item:  4" x 6.3"  (101 x 160 mm) Clearance Item
Patch Size (Front / Waist) Clearance Item:  8" x 8"  (203.2 x 203.2 mm) Clearance Item
Patch Size (Back) Clearance Item:  9" x 11"  (228.6 x 279.4 mm) Clearance Item

